4 & 5 April
Urotherapy & Urodynamics
About the event
In the spring of 2025, the Urotherapy Department of the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (UMCU) is proud to present its annual course on urotherapy and urodynamics.
This event is organised in cooperation with the International Children's Continence Society (ICCS) and the Dutch Association for Continence in Children (NVCK).
What to expect?
We invite you to join us for an enriching day of knowledge and practice. This course promises to be an engaging mix of in-depth discussions and interactive sessions that will explore the complexities of caring for children with bladder and bowel problems.
We are putting together a dynamic programme and are delighted to be inviting esteemed experts to share their knowledge through interactive discussions with delegates, providing an excellent opportunity for professional development and networking.
The main topics of the joint meeting include treating children with functional bladder and bowel problems such as constipation and bedwetting, managing daytime urinary incontinence (DUI), understanding the impact of incontinence on quality of live, and providing comprehensive coverage of urodynamics.
This day is designed to provide you with valuable knowledge and fresh perspectives.
We encourage you to share your experiences, ask questions and actively participate in discussions. Together we can make progress in the care of children with functional micturition and defecation problems.
Who Should Attend?
As the management of children with lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) requires a multidisciplinary approach, this course is aimed at professionals involved in the management of children with voiding and defecation problems.
This includes paediatricians, urologists, nurses, psychologists, paediatric pelvic floor physiotherapists and urotherapists.
2025 Urotherapy & Urodynamics WKZ/ICCS /NVCK
Registration website for 2025 Urotherapy & Urodynamics WKZ/ICCS /NVCKMariëlle vd Bree / Lisette Kraai/ Anka Nieuwhofurotherapie@umcutrecht.nl
Mariëlle vd Bree / Lisette Kraai/ Anka Nieuwhofurotherapie@umcutrecht.nlhttps://www.urotherapy-urodynamic-course.nl/156680
2025 Urotherapy & Urodynamics WKZ/ICCS /NVCK2025 Urotherapy & Urodynamics WKZ/ICCS /NVCK0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
FIGI Hotel TheaterFIGI Hotel TheaterHet Rond 2 3701 HS Zeist Netherlands
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